Document details

Joe Lanzisero on Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo’s Splash Mountain, and Disney Cruise Line
Dan Heaton

It’s easy to just focus on Disney’s latest offerings at Walt Disney World and Disneyland. That only tells part of the story, especially when you consider incredible locations like Tokyo DisneySea. [Former Imagineer Joe Lanzisero] returns to The Tomorrow Society Podcast for a second appearance where [they] delve even further into his work.

On this episode, Joe talks about his work designing Splash Mountain for Tokyo Disneyland, which varied considerably from the original at Disneyland. We also discuss the changes with creating a second version of Mickey’s Toontown in Japan. Joe provides some great stories about the differences when installing those familiar attractions into a new spot. The unique set-up of the park and the cultural differences played a role in how those additions ultimately were placed in Tokyo.



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Source type Podcast
Volume 95
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio


Id 4738
Availability Free
Inserted 2020-02-24