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Preview Of Disney’s World’s Fair Shows
Daniel Cohen

The 1964 New York World’s Fair will feature exhibits from many lands, but it’s safe to predict that the most popular will be those created by that master of ingenuity and imagination - Walt Disney.

A number of exhibitors have commissioned WED Enterprises Inc. (Walter Elias Disney) to help design their attractions.

Star performers in the Disney designed exhibits will be life-like plastic figures (left) powered by a new system of animation called “Audio-Animatronics.”

The figures are driven by magnetic tape machines. Sounds as well as movements are “programmed” onto the tape. As it plays, sounds come from speakers in the figures. Each sound impulse triggers a valve, shooting air through tubes connected to springs that work like muscles to make the figures move. With life-like reality, the system will reproduce delicate motions.

Here is a preview of the Disney wonders you’ll see when the Fair opens on April 22.


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Source type Magazine
Volume 54.6
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 8
Pages pp. 8-15


Id 4074
Availability Free
Inserted 2019-01-13