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TRON's Twosome
Stephen Schaefer
Cindy Morgan vows she won't fall off that scary Disneyland ride known as success If it weren't for a perceptive parochial school teacher, shy, stuttering, nearsighted Cynthia Cichorski would never have become the summer's sexiest computer programmer. As Tron's Lora, Cindy Morgan is the Disney film's curvaceous, sci-fi costar – and she owes it all to Mother Nature and a nun. "I had this very prolonged awkward age.” says Morgan. "It lasted from 5 until l6. I'm serious! I was uncoordinated, I stuttered and I wore glasses." Too shy in high school to get up and perform in front of people, she wrote "funny speeches that made everybody laugh.” Then, she recalls, one nun said, "'You do that very well. You should consider majoring in Speech.' It was the first time that anybody had said. 'Pursue something because you're good.' It probably changed my life.” […] Bruce Boxleitner: A computer warrior and a jungle hunter bring his career back to life The world‘s most famous BB‘s? Brigitte Bardot, Bill Blass, Brooks Brothers, Bruce Boxleitncr? Tron‘s glowing video warrior is hoping America will soon realize he's another BB to remember. The big (6'2") but baby-faced Boxleitner has been working steadily if not spectacularly in Hollywood for a decade. Suddenly, like the light cycles that careen through Tron‘s video universe. he's taking off. This summer's Tron launched him toward an autumn blitz that includes an allstar, sex-stuffed TV movie, Bare Essence, and his own weekly series, Bring 'Em Back Alive, in which he plays Frank Buck, the famed wildlife adventurer of the l920s and '30s. Like the western heroes he admires, Boxleitner, 32, remains laid back about his surging visibility. "If you work consistently, turn in some pretty good performances, get along with people and don't act like a troublemaker, you go far." he says. "It's that simple." Well, not so simple. […]


Primary location: Misc Websites (Neato Coolville blog)



Us Magazine
Source type Magazine
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text


Id 2201
Availability Free
Inserted 2016-02-02