Document details

That million-dollar mouse
Frank Nugent
Twenty years ago a man labored and brought forth a mouse and the civilized world still hasn't stopped applauding the miracle. Mickey Mouse is the goshdarndest single act of creation in the history of our civilization. He probably is more widely known than any President, King, artist, actor, poet, composer or tycoon who ever lived. The worlds that Alexander the Great conquered and Julius Caesar ruled were nutshell microcosms compared with that over which Mickey holds sway. His sovereignty is all but universal, yet he is as American as Kansas City; he was born on a westbound Pullman and his harried parent, Walt Disney, can't for the life of him remember exactly when or where. It was “somewhere out of Chicago," and there wasn't a midwife on the train. [...]


Primary location: Misc Books

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New York Times Magazine
Source type Book
Subject date 1947
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 7
Pages pp. 27-33


Id 2172
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2016-01-27