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On Track
George McGinnis
This article was first released on on January 14, 2004, and is reprinted here with the kind authorization of MousePlanet. During my first six months at WED Enterprises (from June to December 1966), I did sketches and renderings of transportation concepts for Walt Disney’s Epcot presentation. Walt asked me to do a design for a larger PeopleMover (then named WEDway). I also sketched a “wide body” monorail, a concept for the main transportation line through the property. Some of these were used in what is sometimes called Walt’s Last Film or The EPCOT Film, which showed the original plan for the Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow (Epcot). [...]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 16 Chapter: 22
Subject date 2004
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 8
Pages pp. 257-264


Id 1564
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2015-07-08