Document details

Walt's People
Talking Disney with the Artists Who Knew Him - Volume 9
Didier Ghez

Walt's People - Volume 9 features in-depth interviews with Ken Anderson, Art Babbitt, Jack Bradbury and Mary Jim Carp, Paul Carlson, Les Clark, Jack Cutting, Jack Ferges, Bob Foster, Joe and Jennie Grant, Victor Haboush, Thurston Harper, Fred Joerger, Ollie Johnston, Bob Jones, Margaret Kerry, Burny Mattinson, Frank McSavage, Bill Melendez, Ken O’Connor, Walt Peregoy, Thor Putman, Fanny Rabin about Art Babbitt, Art Scott, Tom Sito, Julie Svendsen, and Berny Wolf. It contains hundreds of new stories about the Studio and its artists and should delight even the most serious historians and enthusiasts.

Walt's People is a notable new source of historical treasures and should give new energy to the world of Disney research!


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Included documents

  1. Thurston Harper (1973, 1978; by Dave Smith; pp 21-24)
  2. Berny Wolf (1993, 1998; by Ray Pointer; pp 25-30)
  3. Fanny Rabin about Art Babbitt (1992; by John Canemaker; pp 31-35)
  4. Art Babbitt (1971; by John Culhane; pp 36-44)
  5. Bill Melendez (1995; by Tom Sito; pp 45-63)
  6. Ken O’Connor (1991; by Mark Langer; pp 64-97)
  7. Thor Putman (1998; by John Canemaker; pp 98-101)
  8. Art Scott (1978; by John Culhane; pp 102-118)
  9. Ken Anderson (1975; by Dave Smith; pp 119-126)
  10. Ken Anderson (1972; by Christopher Finch, Linda Rosenkrantz; pp 127-133)
  11. Les Clark (1972; by Christopher Finch, Linda Rosenkrantz; pp 134-135)
  12. Jack Cutting (1972; by Christopher Finch, Linda Rosenkrantz; pp 136-150)
  13. Jack Cutting (1985, 1985-06-26; by Robin Allan; pp 151-154)
  14. Bob Jones (1989; by Robin Allan; pp 155-161)
  15. Joe Grant (1985, 1986, 1985-05-30; by Robin Allan; pp 162-169)
  16. Three Disney Story Guys (2007; by Floyd Norman; pp 170-176)
  17. Margaret Kerry (2003; by Jim Korkis; pp 177-187)
  18. Jack Ferges (1994; by Paul F. Anderson; pp 188-208)
  19. Fred Joerger (1994; by Paul F. Anderson; pp 209-217)
  20. The Secret of Walt Disney Commercials (2009; by Jim Korkis; pp 218-221)
  21. Paul Carlson (1993; by Michael Mallory; pp 222-234)
  22. Paul Carlson (2008; by Didier Ghez; pp 235-243)
  23. Just Finish that Darned Thing! (2007; by Floyd Norman; pp 244-247)
  24. Victor Haboush (2007; by Didier Ghez; pp 248-269)
  25. Walt Peregoy (2007; by Julie Svendsen; pp 270-301)
  26. Disney’s “B” Movie (2008; by Floyd Norman; pp 302-304)
  27. Frank McSavage (1985; by Alberto Becattini; pp 305-311)
  28. Jack Bradbury and Mary Jim Karp (1984; by Klaus Strzyz; pp 312-329)
  29. Bob Foster (1980; by Klaus Strzyz; pp 330-350)
  30. Bob Foster (2008; by Alberto Becattini; pp 351-370)
  31. Julie Svendsen (2010; by Didier Ghez; pp 371-400)
  32. Correspondence with Ollie Johnston (1978, 1999; by Göran Broling; pp 401-415)
  33. Burny Mattinson (2006; by Clay Kaytis; pp 416-472)
  34. Tom Sito (2007; by Didier Ghez; pp 473-524)


Source type Book Series
Volume 9
Language en
Document type Book
Media type text
Page count 542
Pages pp. 1-542


Id 1028
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25