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Interview with Jim Cummings
the Voice of Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger, too!)

Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood, where Christopher Robin plays, you’ll find the enchanted neighborhood, of Christopher’s childhood days… and his adult ones, too. Disney’s "Christopher Robin” the live-action story of the now-grown title character, reunites him with his favorite childhood toy and companion in a heartwarming story for kids and adults. The man who has given Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger, too!) his voice for many years is legendary voice talent Jim Cummings, who joins me on this week’s show. Jim has also been the voice of Darkwing Duck, as well as Razoul from Aladdin, Ed from The Lion King, Chief Powhatan from Pocahontas, one of my personal favorites, Ray from The Princess and The Frog, dozens of other Disney characters, and the narrator for Epcot’s Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. We’ll discuss not just Jim’s own childhood days and journey to taking over as the voice for Winnie the Pooh, but the voiceover process, challenges, working for the first-time on the live-action film, and how Pooh has changed in order to deal with a grown up Christopher Robin.


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Source type Podcast
Volume 527
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 00:48:17


Id 3850
Availability Free
Inserted 2018-11-27