Document details

What Animals Have Taught Us About People
Alfred and Elma Milotte as told to Jack Jungmeyer

ARE YOU one of the millions who laughed with the otters as they shot the chutes in Beaver Valley or shuddered as the bulls battled for brides in Seal Island? Then you will especially enjoy meeting the quiet, skillful couple that made those prize-winning Disney pictures--as you do here in this article by them and photos of and by them. A Wisconsin boy, Al Milotte ran a photo shop and Elma taught school in Washington State when they were wed in the '30s. Then Alaska drew them-for their honeymoon, for five years of residence as photo-shop operators, for a pleasant term as a Rotary couple in Ketchikan, and for many a photographic excursion that yielded color footage and black-and-white stills which won wide U. S. attention. Maybe you remember their photo-report That Alaska Highway in The Rotarian for November, 1941: they'd tramped and "shot" the whole proposed route. Even then they were making the connection with Walt Disney which has placed them at the top of camera naturalists. You see them here inside and outside the truck which was home and laboratory for almost four years on the African plain-with The African Lion the result. Right now they're in Australia - Editors.




Source type Magazine
Volume 87.2
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 8-11


Id 7145
Availability Free
Inserted 2023-02-09