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Disneyland’s animatronic pirates and ghosts can’t dress themselves, so she helps them
Brady MacDonald

Disneyland animatronic costumer Lupe de Santiago is one of more than 70 Disney cast members featured in the new 'One Day at Disney' docuseries on the Disney+ streaming service and the accompanying coffee table book.

Carlos the sopping wet “bilge rat” who gets dunked in a well all day long in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride goes through about a dozen shirts a year courtesy of Disneyland’s animatronic costuming department.

Disneyland’s Lupe de Santiago is on a first-name basis with Carlos and many of the nearly 1,000 audio-animatronic figures at the Anaheim theme park that need costume changes from time to time.

“Sometimes we change them every day,” said de Santiago, 61, of Norco. “It depends on the movement of the figures.”

De Santiago is one of more than 70 Disney cast members featured in the new “One Day at Disney” docuseries on the Disney+ streaming service and the accompanying coffee table book. Her episode debuts on Friday, Feb. 28.



Source type Magazine
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text


Id 4763
Availability Free
Inserted 2020-03-11