Document details

Animator and Disney Legend Glen Keane
Glen Keane is a gifted animator, filmmaker and Disney Legend. Most importantly, though, the man who brought to life such great characters as Ariel, the Beast, Tarzan, Pocahontas and Ratigan is an artist. After 40 years in animation, he remains passionate and humble about his craft and takes no time to rest on his laurels. Still championing hand-drawn animation while embracing new animation technology, Glen has animated and directed "Duet," a short film that's been nominated for an Annie Award and could be nominated for an Oscar. Tim Callaway talks to Glen about "Duet" and his legendary career at Disney.


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Source type Podcast
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 00:40:47


Id 870
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-01-15