Document details

Robin Hood
Film Preview

SOMETHING for all who are young in heart this Christmas is "Robin Hood," a delightful piece of cartoon make-believe from Walt Disney Productions, due for release on Boxing Day in all States.

It tells the routine rob-the-rich-to-give-to-the-poor story. with the Disney differente that all the characters AEC animals Robin Hood is sly fox: Little John. a bear: Friar Tuck. a badger: Prince John a scrawny, neurotic lion. and so on. Screen, personalities Brian Bedford. Phil Harris, Andy Devine, and Peter Ustinov respectively (among others) provide the voices.

Which comes first. the voice or the cartoon character? Producer-director Wolfgang Reitherman disclosed: "We first think of the characters in terms ol the human voices who will play them. It is much simpler and more realistic than creating a character and then searching for the right voice.

"Robin Hood," Disney's 21st full-length cartoon, marks the company's golden jubilee.


Primary location: The Internet Archive


Source type Magazine
Volume 42.30
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 23


Id 7213
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-01-01