Document details

Steven Lisberger - The Creator of the world of TRON
Don McGregor
In the arena of video games, it is often eat or be eaten. Quarters are the main food source. Pac Man ruled the domain until it was devoured by a new challenger—and the challengers came like electronic gunmen, pitting themselves against the champion until it fell. Pac Man fell to TRON. The arcade battle-game version of TRON is inspired by the Walt Disney film which is filled with computer-generated images of hurtling human-helmed roadsters and deadly computer-programmed tanks. TRON was directed by Steven Lisberger, a quiet-spoken, flesh-and-blood human whose work with MAGI (Mathematical Applications Group, Inc.), Digital Effects ofNew York, and Information International, Inc. has opened up new and exciting graphic possibilities to the cinematic world. […]




Source type Magazine
Volume 67
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 30-32,64


Id 1013
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-02-04