Document details

An early glimpse into The Black Hole
A Day on the Set of Disney's new Space Film
David Houston
"For the first time in history," says actor Joseph Bottoms, "the studio name won't appear above the title of the film." "It won't say Walt Disney Presents!" an assistant director concurs. "That's not definite," corrects a Disney publicist among those in the dim corner of the enormous sound stage, "but it is being considered. It sure indicates a departure for Disney Studios, a change in its image, in its way of thinking." They're talking about the most ambitious and costly movie project in the history of the company: Disney Productions' $17.5 million science-fiction epic, The Black Hole. "Imagine," quips a passing makeup artist, "a PG-rated Disney movie!" Again the Disney publicist sets the record straight. "Well, of course, it isn't rated at all, yet. The point is that the studio won't alter the picture to insure a G rating. We're making this one for adults." […]



Source type Magazine
Volume 27
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 5
Pages pp. 48-51,53


Id 990
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-02-02