Document details

What Is An Annette? Who Is She? How Did She Get That Way?
Nancy Anderson

What is an Annette? What is any girl sixteen years old?

She's the voice on one end of a telephone conversation, giggling, whispering, talking with her very best beau. She's the eyes that peer intently into the dressing-table mirror, cautiously inspecting her face, wishing that she'd grow up to be an Ava Gardner. She's dreams, ambitions, blushes.

She's the daughter of Joseph Edward Funicello, who owns his own garage and is proud but sometimes puzzled by his daughter. She has two brothers, Joe, 13, and Michael, 7, who don't understand how a girl can take so long to get dressed. She looks a little like her mother, Virginia, who does understand-most of the time.



Source type Magazine
Volume 56.3
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 56-58,71


Id 7147
Availability Free
Inserted 2023-02-10