Document details

Versatile Bela
Lois Svensrud

When Bela Lugosi had a call from the Walt Disney studios the other day, he proceeded over there considerably perplexed about what kind of role the cartoonist had dreamed up for him. The actor was met by Disney and Leopold Stokowski. "Mr. Stokowski will direct his orchestra in music symbolizing the eruption of a volcano," Disney explained, "and will you please interpret the volcano?" Lugosi admitted it was something of a shock to be called on for anything of this nature, but, being of the old school, he launched into the assignment. So successful was his interpretation that moving pictures were taken of him. These will later be used as models by the Disney artists when drawing the erupting volcano for the animated cartoon. "Guess I'm one actor," said Lugosi, when it was all over, "who doesn't have to worry about being typed."



Source type Magazine
Volume 20.3
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 57


Id 3406
Availability Free
Inserted 2017-09-06