Document details

Once Upon a Time: Walt Disney: The Sources of Inspiration for the Disney Studios
Bruno Girveau
Here Disney fans will discover the fairy tales behind Sleeping Beauty and Snow White; they'll learn that Pinocchio's village was modeled on the medieval city of Rothenburg in Bavaria; that Bambi's forest took its inspiration from fifteenth-century Chinese painting; that Dumbo's bird's-eye views drew on the work of Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton. Finally, the book looks at the myriad ways in which Disney's products became source materials for modern and contemporary artists, including Prokofiev and LĂ©opold Stokowski as well as Christian Boltanski, Bertrand Lavier, Peter Saul, and Gary Baseman. A wonderful sourcebook for Disney enthusiasts, this colorful volume offers a unique perspective on the often-overlooked links between highbrow and popular culture


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Source type Book
Language en
Document type Book
Media type text
Page count 360
Pages pp. 1-360


Id 3954
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2023-01-31