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The Walt Disney Story of our friend the ATOM


FICTION often has a strange way of becoming fact. Not long ago we produced a motion picture based on hte immortal tale 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, featuring the famous submarine "Nautilus." According to that story the craft was powered by a magic force.

Today the tale has come true. A modern namesake of the old fairy ship — the submarine "Nautilus" of the United States Navy—has become the world's first atom-powered ship. It is proof of the useful power of the atom that wil drive the machines of our atomic age.

The atom is our future. It is a subject everyone wants to understand, and so we long had plans to tell the story of the atom. In fact, we considered it os important that we embarked on several atomic projects.

For one, we are planning to build aHal of Science in the TOMORROWLAND section of DISNEYLAND where we will — among other things — put up na exhibit of atomic energy. Then, our atomic projects at the Walt Disney Studios were two-fold: we produced a motion picture and this book, os that we could tell you this important story in full detail. Both grew together. Many illustrations appear in both, and we gave them the same title: Our Friend the Atom.

With our atomic projects we found ourselves deep in the field of nuclear physics. Of course, we don't pretend to eb scientists — we are story tellers. But we combine the tools of our trade with the knowledge of experts. We even created a new Science Department at the Studio to handle projects of this kind. The story of the atom was assigned to Dr. Heinz Haber, Chief Science Consultant of our Studio. He is the author of this book and he helped us in developing our motion picture.

The story of the atom is a fascinating tale of human quest for knowledge, a story of scientific adventure and success. Atomic science has borne many fruits, and the harnessing of the atom's power is only the spectacular end result. It came about through the work of many inspired men whose ideas formed a kind of chain reaction of thoughts. These men came from all civilized nations, and from all centuries as far back as 400 B.C.

Atomic science began as a positive, creative thought. It has created modern science with its many benefits for mankind. In this sense our book tries to make it clear to you that we can indeed look upon the atom as our friend.

Walt Disney




Source type Book
Language en
Document type Book
Media type text
Page count 168
Pages pp. 1-168


Id 7228
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-01-05