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Dave Smith Interview
The Disney Avenue Podcast is back with this month's show featuring another fantastic interview with Disney Legend, Walt Disney Archives founder and former chief archivist David Smith! Dusty Sage, of, teams up with host Keith Michael Mahne for another amazing show. It was a wonderful conversation and a whole lot of fun. Walt Disney Archives founder and former chief archivist David Smith officially joined The Walt Disney Company on June 22, 1970, but his Disney roots are even deeper.  A fan of Disney films throughout his youth, Dave explained in our interview, “I grew up in Southern California, and so my appreciation of Disneyland began as a child.” In 1967, he had become interested in compiling an extensive bibliography on Walt Disney. With approval from the Disney organization, he spent more than a year researching all Disney publications and productions. When the Disney family and Studio management decided to attempt to preserve Walt Disney’s papers, awards, and memorabilia, it was natural for them to contact Dave to do a study, and make a recommendation which established the guidelines and objectives of the Archives. Dave was selected as archivist, and in the years since the Archives was established it has come to be recognized as a model among corporate archives in the country. Dave is regarded as the final authority on matters of Disney history. […]


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Source type Podcast
Volume 11
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 01:01:24


Id 1071
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-02-19