Document details

Walt Disney computerizes filmmaking and finds that film may soon be passe.
David J. Hogan

Necessity is the mother of invention and nothing is more necessary, these days, to the movie industry than an audience. Walt Disney Productions has learned this from a long and bitter attempt to combat shifting audience demographics, the influences of television, increased film realism, and other factors that have undermined its traditional audience.

Accordingly, they have tried to broaden their appeal. In the past, that's meant movies like this year's NIGHT CROSSING and a soon to be released coming-of-age drama called TEX. Now, in search of an audience, Disney has travelled to the frontiers of science with TRON, a science-fantasy adventure due to be released July 9. The Disney people hope this landmark film may breathe new life into their organization, but it may also be the precursor of technological advancements that will shake the entire movie industry to its core.[…]



Source type Magazine
Volume 12.4
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 18-21


Id 1031
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-02-08