Document details

Creator of BETTY BOOP.
Grim Natwick

GRIM NATWICK, the noted animator, whose articles for our magazine have occasioned considerable enthusiasm among our readers, has often been asked how he created the famous character, BETTY BOOP. Here he answers that question in typical breezy Nat wick style.

One thousand times I have been asked, ""How did you happen to create Betty Boop?" That is not an easy question to answer. She happened, I think, to fit the mood of the time the way Felix the Cat fit his time a few years earlier.

An artist has to feel before he draws. He corrects a drawing until it seems right. Charlie Brown took years to become the Charlie Brown that we know so well today. Betty had to be animated so she went through a series of quick changes. Luck and circumstance helped, of course. I had designed and animated cute lir::2 girls before Betty, but they were all incidenisi characters.




Source type Magazine
Volume 39
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 2
Pages pp. 28-29


Id 5784
Availability Lendable
Inserted 2021-02-02