Document details

Reading A Sound Track
Grim Natwick

GRIM NATWICK is a noted pioneer animator who got into animation in the silent days when an animator had to master the art of pantomime. He animated for Max Fleischer in New York, for the Ub Iwerks Studio in Hollywood, and then for Walt Disney. His art training in Vienna helped him in animating a large part of the Snow White character. After that he went back to the Donald Ducks and the Mickeys, and had a short sequence in The Sorcerers Apprentice—Fantasia. During his later career he worked on the feature length ‘Gulliver's Travels' for Max Fleischer's new studio in Miami, was with Walter Lantz's Universal Studio, with Steve Bosustow's UPA studio, and with the Bob Lawrence Studio in N.Y.

Are you an animation buff? Here are a few opinions scooped from a trash can of experience and observation. They are only opinions. It is not possible to write with certainty about a visual art any more than it is logical to describe writing with illustrations. Each can only serve the other as a related accessory.

Today an animation sound track is recorded on a cassette tape. This an animator can play as many times as he wishes. The track should suggest to the animator a pictorial image that he translates into coordinated drawings. Only a few years ago the tracks were recorded on phonograph discs. The cassettes, of course, are much easier to work with.



Source type Magazine
Volume 35
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 23


Id 5803
Availability Lendable
Inserted 2021-02-02