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Disney Reveals Plans for Educational Program Based on Epcot Center

The Epcot Center at Walt Disney World, which represents a ‘forum of unprecedented scope for the examination of new technologies and global concerns," will provide the basis for ‘The Epcot Educational Media Program," an extensive new series of educational materials now in development.

Initial plans for the program were unveiled recently during intensive meetings and discussions between Disney corporate leaders and members of the newly formed Epcot Advisory Board at Disney headquarters in Burbank, CA.

Corporate leaders view the new program as a major part of their planned "Epcot Outreach," a media thrust which will communicate the Center"s ideas to over 47 million people within the decade via television, film and a variety of additional formats. The first educational materials will reach the nation's schools in the fall of 1983, only a year after the Epcot Center opens in Orlando, FL. Among members of the Epcot Advisory Board assembled for the discussions were representatives from the country's most prominent educational organizations. Those attending included: Philip King, director of public relations, National Education Association; Elizabeth Scott, executive director, National Council for Social Studies; Dr. Ralph Steiger, executive direcor, International Reading Association; John Maxwell, executive director, National Council of Teachers of English; Alice Fite, executive director, American Association of Schoo! Librarians; Dr. Bill Aldridge, executive director, National Science Teachers Association; Dr. James D. Gates, executive director, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; Dr. Howard Hitchens, executive director, Association for Educational Communications and Technology; Dr. Samuel Sava, executive director, National Association of Elementary School Principals; and Dr. Jack Jenkins, director, P. K. Yonge Laboratory School, University of Florida.




Source type Magazine
Volume 61.7
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 2
Pages pp. 1,4


Id 7125
Availability Free
Inserted 2022-11-01