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The Steve Hickner Interview
Part II
Steve Hulett
Here's the second half of Mr. Hickner's audio podcast, and most of the interview in the video version (new camera equipment was a tad glitchy; new processes to learn): TAG Interview with Steve HicknerFind all TAG Interviews on the TAG website at this link Steve arrived at Disney Feature Animation while The Black Cauldron was in work, and plunged into work on the production. After that came The Great Mouse Detective, in the middle of which Michael Eisner, Frank Wells and Jeffrey Katzenberg arrived to remake the studio, top to bottom. Peter Schneider was installed as head of Disney Feature Animation. During the production of live-action/animation hybrid Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Steve asked Mr. Schneider for two minutes of his time, which Peter granted. (Who can turn down a couple of minutes, right?) Mr. Hickner told Peter he had heard a second animation unit for Roger Rabbit was opening, and he wanted to be part of it. Mr. Schneider made Steve no promises (he didn't even admit the unit was being formed), but a short while later Steve was an early assignee into Who Framed Roger Rsabbit's new-formed animation unit. Which demonstrates that it pays not to be shy when there are new worlds to conquer.


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Source type Website
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 00:35:02


Id 926
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-01-23