Document details

The Secret of Walt Disney Commercials
Jim Korkis
As Brer Rabbit tries to escape from Brer Fox and Brer Bear, he finally finds his “laughing place” in the inside of an American Motors car with “all-season air conditioning.” Tinker Bell rescues Captain Hook from being eaten by the crocodile by flying in the nick of time with “Peter Pan Peanut Butter; it certainly is true is the favorite of people and crocodiles, too.” Pretty Alice in Wonderland with the voice of Kathryn Beaumont informs folks that, “for energy, for color or just playing games, there is nothing quite like Jell-O.” Is this an alternate animated Disney reality or a sinister synergy scheme by modern Disney executives? Actually, it is a fascinating story of Walt Disney himself and the world of television commercials in the 1950s. [...]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 9 Chapter: 20
Subject date 2009
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 218-221


Id 616
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25