Document details

Disney "Imagineers" Come to Florida
Disney World's impact adds new dimensions to Florida's economy.
Diane H. Rush

The dawning of a new year invariably brings with it hopes for a better, brighter, bigger future. This year, perhaps more than any other in Florida's economic history, will herald better, brighter and without doubt bigger things for the state, for in October 1971 Disney unwraps its newest and biggest extravaganza – Walt Disney World.

The total impact of Disney World has been widely speculated upon; however, whether one's estimates are liberal or conservative, optimistic or pessimistic, there is one inescapable certainty-Florida will never be the same. Disney World is no Mickey Mouse enterprise.

The $300 million project, located 15 miles southwest of Orlando, covers 27,000 acres or approximately 43 square miles. That's larger in area than many cities. For instance it's twice as big as neighboring Orlando and about the same size as Miami. Its famous predecessor in California, Disneyland, encompasses only 300 acres.



Source type Magazine
Volume 7.1
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 6
Pages pp. 1-6


Id 5832
Availability Free (registration required)
Inserted 2021-02-19