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Frank Thomas and Ken Anderson
Richard Hubler
We already met Frank Thomas in volumes 2 and 6 of Walt’s People and Ken Anderson in volumes 1 and 6. They met Richard Hubler the same day and shared a few unusual thoughts and anecdotes with him. Frank Thomas: Sleeping Beauty was the last picture Walt ever dreamed about. I think he had been carrying in his mind all of the pictures up to then, maybe since he’d been a boy. He knew Sleeping Beauty was a property he wanted to do, but he had not thought it through. He was busy with all the television stuff. It was start and stop, start and stop. He was worried. He didn’t realize then that he could leave us alone with it. With Dalmatians he was more relaxed. He could have a meeting and then leave it alone for six weeks or so and then come back for another meeting. Lady and the Tramp was the last picture he was really in on. He would come in and things would really get going and build and build. Ken Anderson: Walt hated concrete because it was so solid. He loved to keep things flexible, moving. FT: He enjoyed building a picture. It was fun. Even after he stopped doing it in the same way, he’d talk about how much fun it was. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 7 Chapter: 24
Subject date 1968
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 3
Pages pp. 219-221


Id 520
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25