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Milt Kahl
Richard Hubler
Richard Hubler: Did you work on Snow White? Milt Kahl: Yes, I worked on Snow White. I was in a unit with Eric Larson, Jimmy Algar, Louie Schmidt and Bernard Garbutt, who did all the myriads of animals in the picture, all the animals gathering around Snow White and sniffing her. RH: Was Walt bothered by the money issues on Snow White? MK: No. He wasn’t the type of person to be bugged by a thing like that. He was completely absorbed with the picture he was involved with. I think this is the secret of any genius: to concentrate with an intentness that lets you shut everything else out. That’s why he’d be rude sometimes: you’d be talking to him, and he’d shut you out, not deliberately. He’d get an idea or start thinking about some phase of the picture that was bothering him, and he’d give it his complete attention. I think this is true of the person in the genius categories: this ability to concentrate which normal people don’t have. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 7 Chapter: 20
Subject date 1968
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 5
Pages pp. 158-162


Id 516
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25