Document details

Les Clark
John Culhane
JC: Did you have trouble establishing Mickey’s character? In other words your Mickey, the earlier Mickey, is more of a mean little kid. He will take out a pin and he will give somebody a jab. If the fat guy is trying to go through the door and he can’t go through the door, Mickey punctures him. LC: Those were some of the earliest ideas of the “Our Gang” comedy series. It could be another character today rather than Mickey. JC: So you mean Mickey gradually only did Mickey things? LC: Mickey became a Boy Scout more or less. It got so that in the later years we couldn’t find a story for him. We had established such a goody-goody character. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 12 Chapter: 4
Subject date 1972
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 13
Pages pp. 35-47


Id 463
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25