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Former Imagineer Mark Rhodes
on Maelstrom, Splash Mountain, and 25 Years at Disney
Dan Heaton

[…] Very few [Imagineers] plan for that role at a young age, and many don’t even realize it’s a possibility. Former Imagineer Mark Rhodes is a perfect example. He had written several novels and sold a screenplay prior to working at Disney. However, his early roles included bartending at Club 33. The chance to write SOPs for Tokyo started the process that led him to WED.

Rhodes is [the] guest on this episode of The Tomorrow Society Podcast. [They] talk about how he got started and some key projects from his career. Rhodes worked at Disney for 25 years, so there’s far too much to cover within a single episode. This interview covers the tumultuous evolution of Maelstrom, which started out very differently with Art Director Joe Rohde interested in Vikings. [They] also cover Rhodes’ work on Splash Mountain, the Roger Rabbit Cartoon Spin, and other classic attractions.

What stands out from Rhodes’ time at Disney is all the great stories about Marty Sklar, Tony Baxter, and many other legendary Imagineers. [We're hearing] anecdotes about what it was like to work at Disney during the ’80s and ’90s. He ultimately left to start his own company Rhodes to Imagination, which gave him the chance to work on projects for Universal like the Harry Potter attractions. […]


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Source type Podcast
Volume 88
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio


Id 4484
Availability Free
Inserted 2019-11-25