Document details

John Hench
Armand Eisen
John Hench […] was recognized by his peers as the “most intellectual of all the Disney artists.” He explained his theories about Disney’s “art of reassurance” in detail in the 2003 book Designing Disney. While that book was intended for a general audience, the following interview conducted by another intellectual, Armand Eisen, was first released in the winter 1975 of Crimmer’s, the Harvard Journal of Pictorial Fiction, which explains how both men could afford to explore Hench’s theories in more depth than would ever be reached at any point in time. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 4 Chapter: 10
Subject date 1975
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 6
Pages pp. 153-158


Id 377
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-24