Document details

Lee Blair
Robin Allan

Talk about an immensely talented family: the Blair family in the ’40s contained no less than three prominent Disney artists, Lee Blair, his wife Mary Blair, and his brother Preston Blair. Though Preston Blair stayed a very brief time at the Studio (tackling only two sequences in Fantasia as an animator: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Dance of the Hours) and while the career of Mary Blair has been analyzed in detail in John Canemaker’s book The Art and Flair of Mary Blair (Hyperion, 2003), Lee Blair’s very rich career has seldom been discussed. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 3 Chapter: 10
Subject date 1985
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 7
Pages pp. 168-174


Id 334
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-22