Document details

The testimony of Walter E. Disney before the House Committee on Un-American Activities
Robert E. Stripling, H. A. Smith
[ROBERT E.] STRIPLING [CHIEF INVESTIGATOR]: Mr. Disney, will you state your full name and present address, please? WALTER DISNEY: Walter E. Disney, Los Angeles, California. RES: When and where were you bom, Mr. Disney? WD: Chicago, Illinois, December 5,1901. RES: December 5,1901? WD: Yes, sir. RES: What is your occupation? WD: Well, I am a producer of motion-picture cartoons. RES: Mr, Chairman, the interrogation of Mr. Disney will be done by Mr. Smith, THE CHAIRMAN [J. PARNELL THOMAS]: Mr. Smith. IH. A.] Smith: Mr. Disney, how long have you been in that business? WD: Since 1920. HAS: You have been in Hollywood during this time? WD: I have been in Hollywood since 1923. HAS: At the present time you own and operate the Walt Disney Studio at Burbank, California? WD: Well, I am one of the owners. Part owner. HAS: How many people are employed there, approximately? WD: At the present time about 600. HAS: And what is the approximate largest number of employees you have had in the studio? WD: Well, close to 1,400 at times. [...]


Primary location: Misc Books

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House Committee on Un-American Activities
Source type Book
Subject date 1947
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 8
Pages pp. 34-41


Id 2173
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2016-01-27