Document details

The Love Life of Mickey Mouse
J.P. McEvoy
Ting-a-ling-a-ling! It was the telephone! I had been waiting weeks for this call. My heart stood still! Would he see me? I would soon learn. I picked up the receiver. A crisp business-like voice said, “This is Mr. Mickey Mouse’s secretary speaking. Mr. Mickey Mouse has consented to see you for a brief interview.” “Where?” I fluttered. “At Falcon Lair. Tea-time.” There was a decisive click and my heart started beating again. But with such rapture! I was going to see him face to face. I was going to be admitted to that famous love-nest, where Mickey Mouse and his bride, Minnie Mouse, lived together in one of those happy relationships so rare to Hollywood. Could it last? Alas! There were rumors!! Some whispered that they were about to separate! Others shrugged and said there never had been a marriage! Meanwhile Minnie Mouse continued to shop in smoked glasses, and avoid all interviewers. I was going to learn the truth. The public was entitled to know everything. […]




Source type Magazine
Volume 6.5
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 3
Pages pp. 46-47,97


Id 2072
Availability Free
Inserted 2016-01-06