Document details

The Making of 'Pinocchio' with Disney Historian J.B. Kaufman
Pinocchio is arguably Walt Disney's most triumphant achievement in animation. The charming, perilous and ultimately heroic story of the wooden boy who wanted to be real has delighted movie audiences for 75 years. It's a film that represents the absolute peak of Disney animation artistry and storytelling. How the movie came to life is as compelling as the story of Pinocchio himself, and author J.B. Kaufman has written an exquisitely detailed book about it: Pinocchio: The Making of the Disney Epic. […] Book details: "Pinocchio: The Disney Epic"


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Source type Podcast
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 00:31:41


Id 1665
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-08-14